
TOD’s Designer Handbags

TOD’s  Handbags

In case you have never heard of Tod’s designer handbags, here is a little history of the company. Diego Della Valle inherited his family’s shoe business in 1978 which is based in the Le Marche region of Italy. He then designed a leather moccasin with a rubber sole which he called the J.P. TOD’s. Oddly enough, the name came out of a Boston, MA phone book. When the name became popular world wide, he dropped the J.P. because people thought it was an actual person. TOD’s added designer handbags to his line in 1997, but shoes were still the mainstream of his line.

There isn’t a lot of information written about the authenticity of these designer handbags. There doesn’t seem to be as much concern about these bags being imitated as with other designers. Maybe it’s because beyond the quality construction of these bags, there isn’t a lot to determine the authenticity. There are ways however that you can tell if the bag is a fake or not.

Replica designer bags do abound, especially when you buy online and can’t really examine the goods that you are buying. When you buy a designer handbag, you want to be able to make sure that is authentic and not a replica. One of the ways to tell if your TOD’s designer handbag is authentic is the care card. This card describes the leather used in the construction of the handbag and how to care for the leather in case it gets wet. This is a folded orange card which will have the TOD logo on the front and the information will be in Italian on the left of the card and in English on the right of the card. Below are more ways to distinguish the real TOD’s designer handbag from the fakes.

TOD’s dust bag is also a way to tell if the handbag is the real thing or not. This will be a brown dust bag imprinted with the TOD’s logo in a color that is the same as the care card. More of a burnt orange than a true orange in color. This dust bag will be rough on the outside and soft on the interior. There will be a tag sewn to the interior of the dust bag which simply says “Sermen”, who is the maker of the dust bag. It will have Sermen information on the tag along with “Made in Italy”.

TOD’s hardware is very little since these are not very flashy designs. The Corniche has 3 metal studs on the rear of the bag with “T” imprinted on them. Another style of bag has a foldover metal strip with TOD engraved on it. TOD’s lining always has a cloth lining that closely matches the outside of the purse. The TOD’s logo is plainly embossed on the outside leather of the bags without an attached plate. This ensures that you are getting an actual TOD’s designer handbagsNever accept a fake bag but only the original especially if you are paying the price of an original.

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