Designer Handbags Wholesale
Here is some information for those who are looking to get designer handbags wholesale. If you are looking to make some really good money then selling these designer handbags at a wholesale price is the way to go. Wholesale prices are always cheaper than retail. It isn’t an easy task, though, to find a reputable dealer in designer handbags wholesale.
There can be many hours wasted in endless searches for just one of these dealers that is on the level. So many sell only fakes online and get away with it because you can’t examine the handbags as closely as needed to tell the difference. Most of the wholesale lists are just empty Google searches. Even worse are the ones who take your money and then fail to deliver. Below you will find a list of scams that are currently running.
The first of the more obvious designer handbag scams are the ones who post on various message boards or site forums pretending to be wholesale dealers for the handbags. When you contact the person, they will send you a “list” of the items that they have for sale. Some even go so far as to include fake pictures of the goods. These photos of designer handbags wholesale are usually from some other site. Then, when you place an order, they ask you to pay in a method that is not traceable. You sit and wait and wait for your order but it never comes and when you try to find the site again, it’s gone. This is a designer handbags wholesale scam site.
Another big scam online is the “wholesale lists” that are for sale on many popular auction sites as well as E-bay. A warning in advance, these are all scams. These fake lists normally sell for one dollar to $9.99. Nobody would sell such a valuable source for that small an amount of money. If they even do send a list, you can throw in the trash where it belongs. Below, you can see what a legitimate designer wholesale site will do.
A legitimate designer handbags wholesale site will have authentic designer handbags period. Their handbags should include designer dustcovers and designer authenticity tags. They will offer discounts of 50-75% off of retail prices. This is how you make a profit. They will also offer a money back guarantee on their goods. This is an insurance that the handbags are the real thing and not fakes. They will require a minimum purchase of at least five bags.They will never offer Louis Vuitton bags. LV is very strict about who they sell wholesale to. A legitimate wholesale site will provide all the contact info that you need. If a site does not offer everything listed here, then run and do not look back. You will also never have to pay a setup fee with a legitimate designer handbags wholesale site. Follow the above guidelines and you never be scammed or loose any money.