
Christian Louboutin Designer Handbags

Christian Louboutin Handbags

Christian Louboutin designer handbags are a hot item this season. First, a little of the history of Christian Louboutin. He was born on January 7, 1964 in Paris, France and has three sisters. His father is a cabinet maker named Roger Louboutin. His mother’s name is Irene. Christian Louboutin is most famous as a bootmaker and footwear designer but there is also the line of Christian Louboutin designer handbags as well.

Christian-Louboutin handbagsAlthough Louboutin faced a lot of family disapproval at his decision to drop out of school early, he said that his determination was made stronger after watching an interview with actress Sophia Loren in which she stated that her sister had to leave school at the age of 12. He did not have much formal design training but he loved drawing elaborate high heel designs. He brought these drawings to some of the top couture houses. This resulted in his employment with Charles Jourdan. Louboutin then met Roger Viver and became an apprentice in Viver’s atelier.

In order to decide if the Christian Louboutin designer handbag is a fake or not, you have to acutally go to the designers website first and look at the picture of the bag that you want there. Notice the materials used, the stitching of the purse and the outside hardware. The true Christian Louboutin handbag has so many variations of designs that it is sometimes impossible to tell a fake from the real thing but always check the designs on the website that you are planning to buy from with the same design on the designer website. If you do find a site that sells fake Christian Louboutin designer handbags, report it to the Better Business Bureau.

These are very special handbags and they are very beautiful as well as functional. You can match one of these handbags with anything in your closet and feel very special carrying it. The fox fur clutches are especially attractive. But for everyday, one of the more practical designs of handbags is perfect. They are especially practical for job interviews because of the size of the handbag. You can carry a folder quite comfortably in these handbags. And all of your other necessities will fit nicely as well.

Sometimes if you look at estate sales you can find a Christian Louboutin designer handbag with a bargain price tag. Check to see if it is real or a fake. Usually a designer handbag will have some sort of information tag usually in a pocket of the purse. This will look somewhat like a credit card. Also make sure that the lining inside isn’t torn. Make sure that the stitching is even and not sloppy. You don’t want to spend a lot of money on something that hasn’t been taken proper care of. Also make sure that the strap isn’t torn or broken. You might even be able to find one of these special handbags on a designer discount site. Just make sure that you are getting a real Christian Louboutin designer handbag.

Christian Dior Designer Handbags

Christian Dior Handbags

Christian Dior designer handbags
are greatly desired by women of taste and class. Upscale fashion and designer clothing have always been at the heart of a woman’s shopping for clothing and accessories. Both functional and beautiful Christian Dior designer handbags are meant for the discriminating woman.

christain dior handbag

Christian Dior was born and raised in France, where he was also trained to become one of the world’s greatest designers. Sadly, he passed on in 1957 at the age of 52 years old. This was after heading his own company for only 10 years. But to this day, Dior remains a staple of the fashion industry and everyone recognizes the name as meaning uniqueness and top notch quality. These are red carpet fashions and accessories.

In addition to a high price tag, every one of the Christian Dior handbags have a label sewn to the middle of the inner pocket. Only the top of the label is connected to the inner pocket. This label will look like a black triangle and will have continuous line of perfect stitching around it’s perimeter.The back of this tag will state “Made in Italy”. This is how you can tell the bag is a true Christian Dior designer handbag. There are other things to look for as well.

You have to keep abreast of the latest designs of Christian Dior handbags so that you can spot a fake. There are always pictures on the Christian Dior website. So how do you know if it isn’t a genuine Christian Dior bag? First, if the cost of the bag is below $250, then you know for sure that’s it’s a fake. Also if the label says that the country of origin is other than Italy, this is another sign that it’s an imposter. Christian Dior only uses quality stitches so shoddy stitches means it’s an imitation. Ripples or dents in the material is another sure sign of an imitation. If there are misspellings in the label, it’s a fake. Christian Dior only makes handbags with the utmost detail to craftsmanship.

The love and care put into these handbags is one of the main reasons that their prices are so high. And some of these do cost in the thousands of dollars.Rule of thumb is this, quality costs more. If you want only the best, you have to be willing to pay a little more for it. It has to be perfect to be a Christian Dior designer handbag. If, however, you do find a fake, you can report the site to the Better Business Bureau. You can also contact the designer’s official site and report the fake as well. These bags stand out amongst the rest. These designer handbags might give you a shock at first when you what the prices run but these bags last for years and can be handed down as well. A generational handbag would be a nice heirloom. The Christian Dior designer handbag is true luxury in every sense of the word.

Chanel Designer Handbags

Chanel  Handbags

It would not be an overstatement to say that Chanel designer handbags are some of the most beautiful bags that there are. But what about the designer that graced this world with these beautiful bags. Here is a little history of Madame Chanel. Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel was born as Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel in 1883. It was Coco Chanel that brought the material jersey to the fashion world by using it for womenswear. She wove class and elegance into practical designs.It is this simplicity of design that also goes into Chanel designer handbags.

chanel designer handbagsIn 1909, Gabrielle Chanel opened her first shop on the ground floor of Étienne Balsan’s apartment in Paris and featured her own designs. This humble beginning would later grow into one of the largest and greatest design empires in the world. Gabrielle Chanel passed away in 1971 but her designs live on for all time.

When you decide to buy a Chanel handbag, you want the real thing not a copy or an imitation passing as the real thing. You want the quality and workmanship that the Chanel name projects. So how can you tell if your Chanel designer handbag is authentic? For one thing, Chanel uses only the highest quality of calfskin on her handbags instead of lambskin. Another point to notice is that Chanel handbags are made in Italy instead of France. Also, one can usually tell with designer handbags by the authenticity numbers if a designer handbag is fake or not but this is not the case with the Chanel designer handbags as counterfeiters have wised up to this and now include the numbers in their fakes.

Avoid the sites that offer Chanel handbags as a one day sale. These are fakes. Compare online the lining, stitches, color of the bag and the material used to the site you are planning to buy from. Chanel only uses the smooth calfskin and the Chanel caviar leather for the construction of the bag. Do your research and you won’t be scammed into buying a fake bag. Make sure that the seller offers a refund policy. If you can prove that the bag is a fake, they have to return your money. Selling counterfeit goods is a crime so if you find a seller that has these, report them to the Better Business Bureau.

Chanel designer handbags never come with a dog tag or separate coin purse. The COCO CABA bag is the exception to this rule. Purchase your handbag online with a credit card because credit cards come with a buyer protection plan. They will assist you with a refund if necessary. Ask the seller tons of questions to make sure that you are getting a real Chanel handbag.You don’t want to pay a lot for a designer handbag that’s going to fall apart before a year’s time. It’s your money that you are spending so you should get the real bag that you want. You deserve the best. You want a Chanel designer handbag and the dignity and prestige that goes along with that brand.

Louis Vuitton Designer Handbags

Louis Vuitton Designer Handbags

When you are looking for Louis Vuitton designer handbags, you have to watch out for scam artists and fake bags. This article will alert you on how to spot the fake bags which is a growing black market business. Of course, if you buy your Louis Vuitton (LV) designer handbags from a high end store such as Neiman Marcus, then you don’t have to worry about it being a knock-off.

However, if you purchase your LV bag from a street vendor, then more than likely it’s a fake bag. Even online, if you are looking for a better price, then you need to be very careful. You can get tricked into buying a fake bag buying one off of E-bay. But if you know how to spot these fakes by looking at them closely you can avoid this disappointment. Unfortunately you cannot do that buying them online. Not all of the purses sold online are fakes but you have no way to tell until you can look at them in your own hands.

The first good tip about spotting the fake bags is when you look at the bag, even online at where you plan to buy it, open another tab in your browser and compare the hardware very closely. If there is a picture of the bag, click on it and use the magnify setting to zoom in for a better look. Each designer uses their own special type of hardware. Also check for a date code, if it should have one and the location of the date code. Find out if the real LV bag has feet. You can also find out what kind of lining the Louis Vuitton designer handbag has so you can compare it with what you are looking at at the place you are planning on buying from. Also check the zipper and zipper pulls as well as the other “hardware” to make sure that they are made of heavy brass. All should have the “LV” imprinted on them. Fake bags will almost always have an LV either crooked or in a stitch. Makers of Louis Vuitton designer handbags are perfectionists and would never make such a sloppy mistake as putting the monogram on crooked or in a crease.

Louis Vuitton has been making these wonderful handbags since the 1850’s. Each handbag is made with an eye for detail which is why they hold such value among consumers. These are each handcrafted works of art and you would want to buy fake artwork. They pay close attention to where the monogram is placed on each bag and it is always placed with a balance on the bag that you can measure with a ruler. After a few weeks of use the leather on the sidings will oxidize which changes the leather to a brownish color. The Louis Vuitton designer handbag is made of canvas with cowhide leather straps and sidings and the edge of the leather will be red in color.