
Authentic Designer Handbags

Authentic Handbags

Authentic designer handbags have always been a necessary accessory for women who are used to the finer things in life. Finding just the right luxury handbag can be just a bit intimidating though with so many out there to choose from. True authentic designer handbags have flooded the market lately but there are also many imitations out there as well.

Oddly enough, one of the most frequently asked questions is what type of luxury handbag to buy for a job interview as though that would make a difference on whether or not one is hired. Proper usage questions are extremely common though since many of these designers also have lines of luggage as well. Function always comes before style in most cases as being most important when going on a job interview or a vital business lunch.

Functional handbags can hold important file papers as well as more personal items in an organized manner while affording protection from damage. These authentic designer handbags should also be stylish and comfortable to carry. Most women just carry a briefcase and do without the handbag altogether. There are a few points to consider when choosing one of the authentic designer handbags for use in an important job interview.

First, you should pick a handbag that has plenty of pockets and dividers so that keys and other necessities can be organized neatly for quick access. You don’t want to have to dig endlessly for your resume or other important items. You do not want to appear disorganized to the interviewer. Instead you want to know where everything is and have it within quick reach.

Your handbag should of an adequate size. you don’t want to fold your resume but have it in neat presentable appearance. Make sure that your handbag has a sturdy fastener of some sort so that your papers and other important items do not fall out. Also make sure that your handbag is color coordinated to match what you are wearing. This will make your appearance more presentable to the interviewer.

In order to look more professional, avoid the cotton or nylon handbags. Those are too casual in appearance. Black or brown leather are preferable. And make sure that your handbag is clean! A dirty handbag spoils the entire effect that you are working for. It also shows disrespect to the designer. If you don’t take good care of your nice things, you won’t have them for very long.

If an attractive authentic designer evening handbag is what you are in the market for, there are a couple of things to consider. The simplest way to see what is in vogue in this line to check online for sites with movie opening photos, or fashion shows online. See what the women at these events are carrying. Again, functionality is the key but pay close attention to style as well. You might want a bigger bag if you are going to be carrying a cell phone as well as a wallet and keys. Oh, don’t forget the lipstick! Let the authentic designer handbag be a fantastic projection of your good taste.

Ralph Lauren Designer Handbags

Ralph Lauren Handbags

If you want a Ralph Lauren designer handbag, then you want to make sure that you aren’t getting a fake bag. Below you will receive information on how to ensure that your money has been spent wisely. But first, a little of the history behind the man who invented the Ralph Lauren designer handbags.

Ralph Lauren was actually born Ralph Lifshitz on Oct. 14, 1939. He is a native of the Bronx, in New York and has really traveled a long way from the days when he shared a bedroom with two of his brothers. A middle class Jewish family, his mother stayed home to raised all four children while their father worked painting houses. Lauren’s fashion sense developed at a very early age when he would buy high end suits with the earnings he made at an after school job. He knew he could have bought cheaper clothing but his sense of style reflected in the stylish, expensive clothing. He has dressed in these stylish suits since the age of 12.

While taking night classes, Ralph Lauren worked for a tie manufacturing company, A. Rivetz & Co. This job ultimately led to the successful fashion empire that Ralph Lauren heads today. He began designing wide ties for men and with that plus a $50,000 loan he launched the Polo brand of clothing and accessories. The rest, as they say, is history. There are even Ralph Lauren home furnishings. He is now the founder, designer and chairman of a company that worth $900 million dollars. His car collections include a 1929 Bentley and a 1937 Alpha Romeo.

When you are searching for a Ralph Lauren designer handbag, you have to be careful and watch out for imitations. Consider the price of the bag. Ralph Lauren handbags cost from $1,000 to $20,000. Even the older designs run into hundreds of dollars. So if the price seems to good to be true, then it probably is. Only a Ralph Lauren designer handbag has that expensive a price attached.

Another thing to look for is the tags. Most designer bags come with authenticity tags. This tag usually is a plastic card and has an authenticity code on it. Fake bags will not have this card. Look closely at the material. Ralph Lauren only uses quality leather in the manufacture of it’s handbags. A fake will be made of cheaper leather, the stitching will not be even and the interior lining will be cheap as well. Real leather is very supple and soft to the touch.

If you do purchase a handbag which is being promoted as an actual Ralph Lauren designer handbag, and you find out that it is a fake, report the seller to the Better Business Bureau because this is consumer fraud and it is a crime. Ralph Lauren handbags are each handmade with loving care and you would be cheating yourself by buying an imitation. Do not settle for less than an authentic Ralph Lauren designer handbag.

Burberry Designer Handbags

Burberry Handbags

What is the story of the Burberry designer handbags? Burberry Group is a luxury fashion company located in Great Britain. Burberry manufactures clothing and accessories. This store has many chain stores located world wide and has a catalog than one can order from as well. One of their most popular items are the Burberry designer handbags.

Burberry was founded by Thomas Burberry in 1856. Thomas was only 21 years old at the time. He started out as an draper’s apprentice and opened his own store in Basingstoke, Hampshire, England. The business had established itself by the year 1870 by creating an exclusive line of hunting wear. It was Burberry who invented gabardine cloth which is not only a hardwearing, sturdy fabric but breathable as well. The yarn of this cloth is waterproofed before the weaving begins. This method was patented in 1888.

Burberry was the original name of the Burberry products but it soon changed to Burberry’s of London. This name is still visible on many of the older products including the Burberry designer handbags. When you buy a Burberry handbag make sure it is authentic. It will have the Burberry plaid tartan design as well as the equestrian knight which is the Burberry logo. The logo is usually on the front. The material will be a vinyl coated canvas which will feel like leather. The stripes of the design must meet on the sides as well as on the bottom. Also, the Burberry signature will be embossed on the outside. Descriptions of the lining of the Burberry designer handbags is below.

The Burberry handbags are always lined in black canvas, beige pigskin suede, or the Burberry signature fabric which is a thick jacquard type of fabric with the name Burberry woven in a glossy thread through the fabric in beige, black, brown or red. The different colors of leather used are black matte leather, black highly polished leather, brown matte leather or a red highly polished leather. The hardware that is used for the Burberry handbags are always either silver-toned or gold-toned with Burberry neatly and clearly engraved on the zipper handle. This is how you can tell that your Burberry designer handbag is the real thing and not a copy.

Sometimes, if you are very lucky, you can find a used Burberry designer handbag at a consignment shop that has been refurbished to like new condition. The only difference between the used and the new is the more reasonable price of the used handbag. Not being able to afford a new designer handbag doesn’t make it any less precious. These handbags lend an air of prestige to the owner and goes with every outfit that you have.These are very functional bag and can accommodate any valuables such as a cell phone or keys that you carry with you. Your possessions are easily organized in these bags. If you are going on a job interview, then the Burberry designer handbag is what you want to have at your side.

Designer Handbags on Sale

Designer Handbags on Sale

Finding the perfect designer handbag on sale can be, to a woman, like finding a gold mine. Not only do these bags add class but adds a bit of sophistication and the woman holds her head a little higher and walks with more self confidence when she knows that she looks good. The sad truth is that with the economy today most women cannot afford to pay full price for a handbag like this and is forced to try to find designer handbags on sale.

Bags are usually overstocked during the holidays so it’s pretty easy to find the bags on sale either right before Christmas or immediately after. You can catch some good deals around that time. Visiting your retail store or mall on a regular basis is one good way to stay up to date on the sales. Watching for sales paper in the mail or in the Sunday paper is another good way to do this footwork. You can also go to dealers websites and “tag” an item to receive notifications by email when that item goes on sale. You can also sign up online to receive these notifications.

Another way to keep with these designer handbags is to watch for the pre-sale. A few weeks before the actual sale the store usually has a pre-sale where select items are put on sale. This can save a lot of time and work looking for the designer handbags on sale. You can save a lot of money on the bags as well as in time and gas searching for the perfect handbag that you want.

You will also avoid the big sales rush that inevitably comes around the holidays which is enough to make anyone loose their minds. Women fighting over designer handbags on sale is never a pretty sight and it does happen.

For the avid shopper, the internet can be used to hook up to several stores at one time. Even high end stores and specialty designer shops have web sites these days which is how they get most of their orders. In fact, more and more women are doing the vast majority of their shopping online. It’s easier and most of the time it’s cheaper as well. You can find some really good sales online that you cannot find anywhere else. And if the only store that has a specific item that you want such as a designer handbag on sale is clear across the United States, then it is doubtful you would actually go all the way there in person to get what you want.

But remember, buying online can be tricky. If you decided to buy a designer handbag on sale over the Internet, visit the designer’s site first and take note of the stitching, authenticity tags, an material that is used before buying at the site where the sale is. That way you know that you are really getting a designer handbag on sale and not a fake.

Coach Designer Handbags

Coach Handbags

The Coach designer handbags have unique and stylish features. But use caution in buying these because there are a lot of imitators out there. Of course, imitations aren’t always bad but that depends on the price that your are willing to pay. Sometimes you have to sacrifice price for quality. And the Coach designer handbags are meant to last for many years.

The Coach handbags are not only very attractive but very functional as well . The design of the Coach handbag that you choose reflects your personality but also serves to organize the user’s items and valuables being carried. Depending on what you are looking for, such as design, color and size, the Coach handbag is available for any occasion. These are a complement to any outfit that the woman wears.

It hard to know which Coach designer handbag to choose from with such a wide selection. But putting a little thought into the purchase helps. There are many sites online which sell designer handbags and they usually carry the Coach designer handbags as well.

Not very many people think that they can get a decent designer handbag at a discount price, but if you show a little patience you can find one that fits your budget. Some of these are replicas but some are original designer pieces. The imitations really aren’t that bad, but make sure they are well made and sturdy.

The good thing about a replica handbag is, of course, the cheaper price. Some people just can’t afford the original designer handbags but still want the prestige that even an imitation brings. These imitations are so cleverly designed that one cannot tell the imitation from the actual designer items. Just make sure that you don’t pay as much for the imitation as you would the original designer bags.

The easiest way to spot an imitation Coach designer handbag is to look very closely at the leather that the bag is made of. All of the stitches will be double stitches for greater durability. Also the interior will be very different in the actual Coach bag. If the leather is fake and the interior shows shoddy workmanship then you know it is a fake.

Actually you can get rennovated goods at consignment shops that are every bit as good as the brand new designer bags. This is yet another way to save money on a good designer bag. No one needs to know that it is a used bag. Fashion brand hunters are willing to pay full price for the original Coach bag. And once they are done with it they still want to get a fair amount of their money back. So they deal with a consignment shop. Prestige means much these days whether it’s a bag for evening use or for a job interview. You don’t want a bag that looks trashy.

Another good point to bring up here is that no matter if your bag is a fake or the original Coach designer handbag, it needs to be kept clean and organized.