
Dooney Bourke Designer Handbags

Dooney Bourke Handbags

Dooney Bourke designer handbags are very exclusive and sold only at high end stores. Dooney & Bourke was founded in 1975 by Peter Dooney and Fredric Bourke in South Norwalk, Connecticut. The founders launch items were surcingle belts, but started the handbag line in 1981.They quickly climbed the ladder of success after the enormous popularity of the All Weather Bag in 1983. This was a very simple messenger-style purse made of a unique pebble leather with a smooth leather trim. The duck tag, which was the original logo, was attached to the front of the bag.

Dooney and Bourke handbags are available in a wide variety of styles including the classic tote. There is also the baby satchel, domed satchel, and many others. One way to make sure you are getting an original D&B handbag, look for the D&B logo or monogram. These handbags are also made with British tan leather handles and checking these handles are one of the simplest methods to tell if the bag is a fake or not.

Only brass hardware instead of silver plates or brass studs adorn these magnificent handbags. Another stand out feature of the Dooney & Bourke designer handbags is the visible red, white and blue registration number that is always sewn under a leather seam on the inside of the handbag. Of course, if the price of the bag is really cheap then that should be a dead giveaway that the bag is not an original. Never expect something for nothing. Below are some more ways to tell if your Dooney & Burke designer handbag is authentic or not.

First, you should always check the stitching of the bag. The stitches should be small, straight and neatly sewn into the bag. If the bag has a duck emblem, the duck’s bill will not be attached in most cases. Another point to check is the logo. The “D” and “B” will be both frontwards and backwards. The bottom of the “D” should align exactly with the middle of the “B”. The inner lining of the bag should have a Dooney & Burke label that is sewn, not glued, into the material.

Look for the rivets of the bag to have “Dooney & Burke” printed on them. Also if the bag has a buckle for closure, it should have “solid brass” engraved on it. If you’re Dooney & Burke handbag has feet on it, it will always be an even number of feet.

Take note of where the bag was made. The U.S., China, Italy and Mexico are the only places in the world that Dooney & Burke designer handbags are made. Check the inner authenticity label. Any charms or other decorations which are attached to the bag will always be done with a small piece of leather, never with a chain, and will never be attached to the zipper. These are the most obvious ways to make sure that your Dooney & Burke designer handbags are original and not fakes. Never settle for less than the original.

Designer Handbags Wholesale

Designer Handbags Wholesale

Here is some information for those who are looking to get designer handbags wholesale. If you are looking to make some really good money then selling these designer handbags at a wholesale price is the way to go. Wholesale prices are always cheaper than retail. It isn’t an easy task, though, to find a reputable dealer in designer handbags wholesale.

There can be many hours wasted in endless searches for just one of these dealers that is on the level. So many sell only fakes online and get away with it because you can’t examine the handbags as closely as needed to tell the difference. Most of the wholesale lists are just empty Google searches. Even worse are the ones who take your money and then fail to deliver. Below you will find a list of scams that are currently running.

The first of the more obvious designer handbag scams are the ones who post on various message boards or site forums pretending to be wholesale dealers for the handbags. When you contact the person, they will send you a “list” of the items that they have for sale. Some even go so far as to include fake pictures of the goods. These photos of designer handbags wholesale are usually from some other site. Then, when you place an order, they ask you to pay in a method that is not traceable. You sit and wait and wait for your order but it never comes and when you try to find the site again, it’s gone. This is a designer handbags wholesale scam site.

Another big scam online is the “wholesale lists” that are for sale on many popular auction sites as well as E-bay. A warning in advance, these are all scams. These fake lists normally sell for one dollar to $9.99. Nobody would sell such a valuable source for that small an amount of money. If they even do send a list, you can throw in the trash where it belongs. Below, you can see what a legitimate designer wholesale site will do.

A legitimate designer handbags wholesale site will have authentic designer handbags period. Their handbags should include designer dustcovers and designer authenticity tags. They will offer discounts of 50-75% off of retail prices. This is how you make a profit. They will also offer a money back guarantee on their goods. This is an insurance that the handbags are the real thing and not fakes. They will require a minimum purchase of at least five bags.They will never offer Louis Vuitton bags. LV is very strict about who they sell wholesale to. A legitimate wholesale site will provide all the contact info that you need. If a site does not offer everything listed here, then run and do not look back. You will also never have to pay a setup fee with a legitimate designer handbags wholesale site. Follow the above guidelines and you never be scammed or loose any money.

Burberry Designer Handbags

Burberry Handbags

What is the story of the Burberry designer handbags? Burberry Group is a luxury fashion company located in Great Britain. Burberry manufactures clothing and accessories. This store has many chain stores located world wide and has a catalog than one can order from as well. One of their most popular items are the Burberry designer handbags.

Burberry was founded by Thomas Burberry in 1856. Thomas was only 21 years old at the time. He started out as an draper’s apprentice and opened his own store in Basingstoke, Hampshire, England. The business had established itself by the year 1870 by creating an exclusive line of hunting wear. It was Burberry who invented gabardine cloth which is not only a hardwearing, sturdy fabric but breathable as well. The yarn of this cloth is waterproofed before the weaving begins. This method was patented in 1888.

Burberry was the original name of the Burberry products but it soon changed to Burberry’s of London. This name is still visible on many of the older products including the Burberry designer handbags. When you buy a Burberry handbag make sure it is authentic. It will have the Burberry plaid tartan design as well as the equestrian knight which is the Burberry logo. The logo is usually on the front. The material will be a vinyl coated canvas which will feel like leather. The stripes of the design must meet on the sides as well as on the bottom. Also, the Burberry signature will be embossed on the outside. Descriptions of the lining of the Burberry designer handbags is below.

The Burberry handbags are always lined in black canvas, beige pigskin suede, or the Burberry signature fabric which is a thick jacquard type of fabric with the name Burberry woven in a glossy thread through the fabric in beige, black, brown or red. The different colors of leather used are black matte leather, black highly polished leather, brown matte leather or a red highly polished leather. The hardware that is used for the Burberry handbags are always either silver-toned or gold-toned with Burberry neatly and clearly engraved on the zipper handle. This is how you can tell that your Burberry designer handbag is the real thing and not a copy.

Sometimes, if you are very lucky, you can find a used Burberry designer handbag at a consignment shop that has been refurbished to like new condition. The only difference between the used and the new is the more reasonable price of the used handbag. Not being able to afford a new designer handbag doesn’t make it any less precious. These handbags lend an air of prestige to the owner and goes with every outfit that you have.These are very functional bag and can accommodate any valuables such as a cell phone or keys that you carry with you. Your possessions are easily organized in these bags. If you are going on a job interview, then the Burberry designer handbag is what you want to have at your side.

Designer Handbags on Sale

Designer Handbags on Sale

Finding the perfect designer handbag on sale can be, to a woman, like finding a gold mine. Not only do these bags add class but adds a bit of sophistication and the woman holds her head a little higher and walks with more self confidence when she knows that she looks good. The sad truth is that with the economy today most women cannot afford to pay full price for a handbag like this and is forced to try to find designer handbags on sale.

Bags are usually overstocked during the holidays so it’s pretty easy to find the bags on sale either right before Christmas or immediately after. You can catch some good deals around that time. Visiting your retail store or mall on a regular basis is one good way to stay up to date on the sales. Watching for sales paper in the mail or in the Sunday paper is another good way to do this footwork. You can also go to dealers websites and “tag” an item to receive notifications by email when that item goes on sale. You can also sign up online to receive these notifications.

Another way to keep with these designer handbags is to watch for the pre-sale. A few weeks before the actual sale the store usually has a pre-sale where select items are put on sale. This can save a lot of time and work looking for the designer handbags on sale. You can save a lot of money on the bags as well as in time and gas searching for the perfect handbag that you want.

You will also avoid the big sales rush that inevitably comes around the holidays which is enough to make anyone loose their minds. Women fighting over designer handbags on sale is never a pretty sight and it does happen.

For the avid shopper, the internet can be used to hook up to several stores at one time. Even high end stores and specialty designer shops have web sites these days which is how they get most of their orders. In fact, more and more women are doing the vast majority of their shopping online. It’s easier and most of the time it’s cheaper as well. You can find some really good sales online that you cannot find anywhere else. And if the only store that has a specific item that you want such as a designer handbag on sale is clear across the United States, then it is doubtful you would actually go all the way there in person to get what you want.

But remember, buying online can be tricky. If you decided to buy a designer handbag on sale over the Internet, visit the designer’s site first and take note of the stitching, authenticity tags, an material that is used before buying at the site where the sale is. That way you know that you are really getting a designer handbag on sale and not a fake.

Chanel Designer Handbags

Chanel  Handbags

It would not be an overstatement to say that Chanel designer handbags are some of the most beautiful bags that there are. But what about the designer that graced this world with these beautiful bags. Here is a little history of Madame Chanel. Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel was born as Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel in 1883. It was Coco Chanel that brought the material jersey to the fashion world by using it for womenswear. She wove class and elegance into practical designs.It is this simplicity of design that also goes into Chanel designer handbags.

chanel designer handbagsIn 1909, Gabrielle Chanel opened her first shop on the ground floor of Étienne Balsan’s apartment in Paris and featured her own designs. This humble beginning would later grow into one of the largest and greatest design empires in the world. Gabrielle Chanel passed away in 1971 but her designs live on for all time.

When you decide to buy a Chanel handbag, you want the real thing not a copy or an imitation passing as the real thing. You want the quality and workmanship that the Chanel name projects. So how can you tell if your Chanel designer handbag is authentic? For one thing, Chanel uses only the highest quality of calfskin on her handbags instead of lambskin. Another point to notice is that Chanel handbags are made in Italy instead of France. Also, one can usually tell with designer handbags by the authenticity numbers if a designer handbag is fake or not but this is not the case with the Chanel designer handbags as counterfeiters have wised up to this and now include the numbers in their fakes.

Avoid the sites that offer Chanel handbags as a one day sale. These are fakes. Compare online the lining, stitches, color of the bag and the material used to the site you are planning to buy from. Chanel only uses the smooth calfskin and the Chanel caviar leather for the construction of the bag. Do your research and you won’t be scammed into buying a fake bag. Make sure that the seller offers a refund policy. If you can prove that the bag is a fake, they have to return your money. Selling counterfeit goods is a crime so if you find a seller that has these, report them to the Better Business Bureau.

Chanel designer handbags never come with a dog tag or separate coin purse. The COCO CABA bag is the exception to this rule. Purchase your handbag online with a credit card because credit cards come with a buyer protection plan. They will assist you with a refund if necessary. Ask the seller tons of questions to make sure that you are getting a real Chanel handbag.You don’t want to pay a lot for a designer handbag that’s going to fall apart before a year’s time. It’s your money that you are spending so you should get the real bag that you want. You deserve the best. You want a Chanel designer handbag and the dignity and prestige that goes along with that brand.