
Discount Designer Handbags

Discount  Handbags

For the modern day woman, the discount designer handbags are a thing of beauty at a great savings. Just because these handbags are bought at a discount doesn’t make them any less elegant and stylish. It does show that the buyer is smart enough to know a good deal when she sees one. As long as caution and common sense are used, the discount designer handbags can show shopping smarts as well as good taste.

It can take a little time to find a designer handbag at an affordable price but well worth the effort. But with a few searching tips, you can find one not very far away. If you are not adverse to wearing something that’s a little out of style, then clearance sales are a wonderful way to start. These are usually the last season’s castoffs but if you look closely, you can find something that reflects your personality. You are buying what you like, not what others like. The handbag that you pick is a part of yourself. That makes it unique.

If you can’t decide on what kind of handbag that you want, you can always join a shopping community online and discuss your tastes with others who can help you. These communities can also point you in the right direction for shopping wisely. They can also tell you what trends are in style currently. This is a great way to find discount designer handbags. Sometimes these communities also offer discount packages. This would be in addition to the already discounted price so you can make a better purchase deal on the discount designer handbags this way.

If you decide on buying a discount handbag from a site, go to the original designer’s site and take notes on the construction materials of the handbag to compare with the site that you are buying from. In this way, you do not get an imitation. You want an actual designer handbag, not a fake. Also check the credentials to make sure that they are a legitimate seller. There are a lot of scams out there which are just waiting to take your money.

You can buy designer handbags from resale shops but they might not be the quality that you desire. You don’t want a handbag that hasn’t been taken care of. A good source would be to check out estate sales in the paper. These might be a way to find a discount designer handbag as well. Most previous owners of these designer handbags take very good care of them. You might just find exactly what you are looking for at an auction house as well. You won’t have the selection that you might need though.

If you do join a shopping community then ask them what is available and where. Also try to find out what kind of condition these handbags are in. The savings that they offer in itself is a good reason to joint these since it saves a lot of time and empty running back and forth to check out store deals and finding nothing. You will probably find the best deal out there with these communities and you can find a discount designer handbag that you really want.

TOD’s Designer Handbags

TOD’s  Handbags

In case you have never heard of Tod’s designer handbags, here is a little history of the company. Diego Della Valle inherited his family’s shoe business in 1978 which is based in the Le Marche region of Italy. He then designed a leather moccasin with a rubber sole which he called the J.P. TOD’s. Oddly enough, the name came out of a Boston, MA phone book. When the name became popular world wide, he dropped the J.P. because people thought it was an actual person. TOD’s added designer handbags to his line in 1997, but shoes were still the mainstream of his line.

There isn’t a lot of information written about the authenticity of these designer handbags. There doesn’t seem to be as much concern about these bags being imitated as with other designers. Maybe it’s because beyond the quality construction of these bags, there isn’t a lot to determine the authenticity. There are ways however that you can tell if the bag is a fake or not.

Replica designer bags do abound, especially when you buy online and can’t really examine the goods that you are buying. When you buy a designer handbag, you want to be able to make sure that is authentic and not a replica. One of the ways to tell if your TOD’s designer handbag is authentic is the care card. This card describes the leather used in the construction of the handbag and how to care for the leather in case it gets wet. This is a folded orange card which will have the TOD logo on the front and the information will be in Italian on the left of the card and in English on the right of the card. Below are more ways to distinguish the real TOD’s designer handbag from the fakes.

TOD’s dust bag is also a way to tell if the handbag is the real thing or not. This will be a brown dust bag imprinted with the TOD’s logo in a color that is the same as the care card. More of a burnt orange than a true orange in color. This dust bag will be rough on the outside and soft on the interior. There will be a tag sewn to the interior of the dust bag which simply says “Sermen”, who is the maker of the dust bag. It will have Sermen information on the tag along with “Made in Italy”.

TOD’s hardware is very little since these are not very flashy designs. The Corniche has 3 metal studs on the rear of the bag with “T” imprinted on them. Another style of bag has a foldover metal strip with TOD engraved on it. TOD’s lining always has a cloth lining that closely matches the outside of the purse. The TOD’s logo is plainly embossed on the outside leather of the bags without an attached plate. This ensures that you are getting an actual TOD’s designer handbagsNever accept a fake bag but only the original especially if you are paying the price of an original.

Prada Designer Handbags

Prada Handbags

First, a little history of the Prada designer handbags. Prada,Spa. The name screams luxury. An Italian design group, now boasts outlets world wide. The owners of this company, known in Italian as Fratelli Prada (Fratelli brothers), was founded in 1913 by Mario Prada. His granddaughter, Miuccia Prada, inherited what was, at that time, a leather supplies outlet from her mother, and led the Prada brothers into what would become haute couture. This laid the foundation for the popularity of the Prada designer handbags.

Miuccia started gaining in popularity with her creative use of equipment and austere, advanced smooth designs with the introduction of her 1985 designer line of glossy black handbags. These were made with the rather unique material, parachute nylon. These became a signature line of high-priced bags which rapidly grew in demand. Unfortunately, this also spawned a huge industry of Prada imitators.

Miuccia planned the first of many “glad to attrition” collection in the fall of 1989. The collection proved to be the total opposite of other label’s sexually provocative designs. These were immediately a hit and fueled the company’s production lines. This marks the era when the Prada designer handbags became a “must have” with the elite women of society. Besides the previous Prada line, they also introduced the Miu collection which was aimed at the younger members of the fashion world in 1992. This line has more discreet designs that complements the clothing of young women with great taste. This brought about a huge increase in “bohemian” designs. So how do you know if you are really getting an original Prada designer handbag?

First of all, the letter “R” in the Prada logo always has a gap on the top of the right leg of the letter. If the gap isn’t there and it’s a solid print letter, it’s a fake. Another telltale sign is the label on the inside of the bag, which should say “Prada, made in Italy”. Nothing extra on the label. Also look for the authenticity code card. It will be in an envelope outside the bag. Most of the time there will be at least two of these plastic cards which look a lot like a credit card. A genuine Prada purse will also come with a dust bag which also says “Prada, made in Italy”.

Another way to tell if this is a Prada designer handbag is to inspect the zippers which should always be of one color. They will either all be silver tone, gold tone or rose gold tone. They should all have the Prada logo on the tabs. The inner lining of the Prada handbag is also unique. It is always made of high end material such as satin, leather or ultra suede and should have the word “Prada” running in horizontal lines across the fabric. This lining is stitched, never glued. Seams should be invisible.

The final clue in telling whether or not your Prada bag is the “real deal” is to inspect the Prada name plates. The lettering on the name tag should be slightly raised and the “r” should have a curve to it. This is how you know that your Prada designer handbag is authentic.

Buy Designer Handbags

Buy Handbags

Just about everyone knows that the easiest way to buy designer handbags is online. You save time, gas and money buying online right? Not always. The news is filled with stories of online scams being investigated by the district attorney. But with the tips here, you can shop online in relative safety and know that you are shopping smart to buy designer handbags online.

There are a lot of shops online that sell fake designer handbags. It’s hard to spot these since you can’t actually inspect the handbag that is being sold online…or can you? If the site you are thinking about buying from has photos of the designer handbags then it is a simple thing to pull up another tab in your browser, go the actual designer site and compare the pictures of the handbags. Of course, the scam site might have stock photos.

Check the site out with the Better Business Bureau and ask if there have been complaints about the suspected site. Check the price of the bag on the site that you are thinking about buying from. This is a sure way to see if the bags offered are fake or not. If the bag offered is less than $700 then it’s probably a fake. You don’t want to buy a designer handbag that’s a fake.Also check the location of the site, if the bag is “Made in China” then it’s a fake for sure. When you do order online and get the bag that you paid for, check the stitching. If they are even and neat, then it’s a real designer handbag. Another thing to look for is the quality of the lining. Check on the designer site to see what the lining is made of. Also check to see what kind of hardware is used on the actual designer site. Compare that to the hardware on the purse that you receive. These are the ways to make sure that you buy a designer handbag that is worth the money you spend.

So with all of this in mind, why does a woman insist on buying these handbags that cost as much as a monthly mortgage payment? The answer to that is surprisingly simple. All women like to feel wealthy even if they aren’t. And with today’s economy, that is getting harder and harder to do. So the next best thing to paying full price for one of these expensive handbags is to look for good sales and discounts.

When a woman buys a designer handbag, it gives her self-esteem a much needed boost. Plus, if there a job interview in the foreseeable future, the handbag will give an air of success and self confidence. This might just mean the difference between getting a good paying job and not getting it. Employers notice everything about an applicant. So when a woman buys a designer handbag it just might mean a secure future. And a well made designer handbag can be passed down from generation to generation.

Balenciaga Designer Handbags

Balenciaga Handbags

Here is a little history of the Balenciaga designer handbags. Cristóbal Balenciaga opened his first exclusive designer store in San Sebastián, Spain in 1918. This quickly grew to include branches in Madrid and Barcelona. Although his designs grew in popularity to include the Spanish royal family, the Spanish Civil war forced him to move to Paris.

Balenciaga then opened his Pairs fashion house on Avenue George V in the Fall season of 1937, and his first fashion design show featured many designs that were influenced by the Spanish Renaissance. He was met with immediate success. In fact, within two short years, the French press touted him as a revolutionary new designer and his designs were much sought after.

With such a rich history of clients, including the Kennedys, who would not want a Balenciaga designer handbag? But, you need to be on the lookout for fakes because there are plenty out there especially online. Here are a few tips to tell a real Balenciaga designer handbag from a fake one.

When you look at a Balenciaga handbag, examine the purse’s leather very closely. Balenciaga bags are somewhat unique in that they are made of distressed goat leather. It should have a soft and very supple feel. It is extremely flexible and if you stand the purse up, it will slouch. If it stands up on it’s own then it’s a fake.

Also look at the hardware on the handbag because Balenciaga only uses brass or dull silver on it’s bags. If the hardware is shiny, then it isn’t an original Balenciaga designer handbag. Also look closely at the stitching on the purse. If it is sloppy and uneven stitches, then it’s not the real deal. Balenciaga handbags have even and neat stitching showing much pride in craftsmanship. No loose threads should be there.

On every zipper, there should be a leather tassel made from the same soft leather as the body of the purse. If these are shiny and have a patent leather look, then the purse is a replica. There also should be a name plate inside the bag. This should always be on the inside not the outside. These tags will be either metal or leather and will have either the purse style or authenticity number on it. You need to check any extra tassels that come with the purse as well. If they are rolled up in a circle, it’s not a real Balenciaga purse. The extra tassels should always be in a clear, flat plastic wrapping.

The best advice is to go to the actual Balenciaga website and look closely at the pictures there. If the person selling the purse does not have photos of the purse, then the one you are considering is more than likely a fake purse. Make sure that the photos on the seller’s site aren’t just stock photos from another site. You don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on a purse that isn’t a real Balenciaga designer handbag.